Thomas K. Martin
About the Author
You want to know about me? Well, I was born in a small mining town in the
Cumberland Gap region of Kentucky near the West Virginia and Tennessee
borders. My father was in the United States Air Force, so I grew up on the
move, pulling up roots and relocating every few years. As a result, I've
had the experience of living in most regions of the country, including Alaska,
and I've lived overseas briefly as well. I first came to Texas with my
parents in 1974 and have been in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area ever
since. I currently live in the Dallas area with my wife,
Mary, and four of
our five children.
It was while living in Alaska at the age of fourteen that I wrote my first
novel. Fortunately, no one will ever see it! Yes, it was THAT
bad! Hey, what do you expect from a fourteen year old kid?
My first published novel, A Two-Edged Sword ( the first book of
The Delgroth Trilogy ) was released by Ace/Berkley in December of
1993. I have just completed work on MageLord: The House of Bairn the
third book of the The MageLord Trilogy which will be out in May of
1999. I hope to start a new Science-Fiction trilogy based on the colonization
of Luna and am also working on a new trilogy with character Steve Wilkinson
from The Delgroth Trilogy. We'll see which one sells first!
When not writing, I work as a computer programmer ( which pays the
bills ). I also serve as president of
The Artemis Society of Dallas, and sometimes,
( when I can manage to squeeze it in ) I knit ( chain armor )
for relaxation. I love to hear from my fans, so feel free to
send me E-mail anytime you like! It may
take a little while (I stay pretty busy after all) but you will hear back from me
eventually. For those of you with PGP, follow this link to obtain my
PGP Public Key.
I am, of course, a member of the Science-fiction and Fantasy Writer's of America.
My membership has lapsed from active status due to tight finances, but I plan to
renew soon. SFWA is a wonderful organization that
works diligently to represent and support its members. If you ever become a
published author I strongly recommend joining and supporting this fine
I also "do time" as the current president of the very active Dallas Chapter of Artemis
Society International. Visit the site of Artemis
Society International for more information on how this private organization is
working to make the dream of a privately funded lunar base a reality. For those
of you in the Dallas area, visit the home page of
The Artemis Society of Dallas
for information on how to join our local chapter.
Okay, now it's time for the soap box...
As an author I strongly support the freedom
of speech, as guaranteed by the first ammendment of the Constitution of the United
States of America, in all venues. Follow this link for more information on the
Blue Ribbon Campaign
to preserve freedom of speech in ALL areas of human communication.
Our government is attempting to deny this fundamental right when the medium of
communication is electronic. Legislation attempting to restrict legitimate
discourse on the Internet in the name of "protecting" us from
"indecent" material is being fought in legislative houses and courtrooms
across the country. Two such acts have already been declared completely
unconstitutional in federal court. Find out how you can help protect your
constitutional rights! Get involved!
Another means by which the government would attempt to limit our freedom of speech
is by constantly looking over our shoulders to eavesdrop on our electronic
correspondence. I am sorry to say that the courts have long ago upheld
legislation allowing government agencies to intercept electronic correspondence
between law-abiding citizens without court order! They can't legally tap your
phone, but they can read your e-mail to their heart's content.
As a result, I try to use PGP encryption software on my e-mail whenever
possible. Not because I have anything to hide, but simply because I want
private conversations with my friends to STAY private. You can do the
same. Use encryption software to protect the privacy of your
e-mail! Follow this link for information on PGP encryption software and to
obtain my Public PGP Key.
Okay, that's enough of the soap box, for now! I hope this page has told you
something about me and I look forward to meeting some of you online or in person
in the future!