This page is a list of Internet Resources and Public Keys for PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption.  All Public Keys displayed here are displayed with the permission of the key owner and have been verified by the holder of this site as legitimately belonging to the person named.  As such, this page can serve as a clearing house for the certified Public Keys of people that I know.
For those of you without PGP, follow one of the links below to obtain your own copy.  If you don't see what need you would have for such a thing, please read A Note on Privacy and the Freedom of Speech below and THEN go get a copy of PGP.  For a greater list of keys than can be found here, check out MIT's PGP Public Key Server.
Get PGP (U.S. Residents) | Get PGP (non U.S. Residents) | MIT's PGP Keyserver |
PGP QuickFront | PGP WinFront | |
New Keys | List of Public PGP Keys | My personal Public Key |
Home Page | About the Author | Upcoming Events | Other Sites | |
The Book Club | Subscribe to Thomas K. Martin's personal mailing list | Newsgroup |
There are many organizations currently campaigning to preserve essential civil liberties on the Internet throughout the world.  If you are interested in joining with one of these organizations, or if you are simply curious, follow one of the links in the table below to learn more about what some people are doing to combat the encroachment by the governments of the world on civil rights on the Internet.
Electronic Frontier Foundation | Blue Ribbon Campaign | Golden Key Campaign |
Internet Privacy Coalition | Citizen's Internet Empowerment Coalition |
![]() | Martin, Thomas K. |
![]() | Saylor, Robert W. |
Martin, Thomas K.
Author: SF / Fantasy
[ USA ][ Texas ][ Dallas ][ Garland ]
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQCNAzIAvukAAAEEAMCtQ8E4LvlLrl5dyomSehHUJVGyF/Faa1H4nSjs3xtqpMpZ oY0lE0GRvNZhywl7m0XJBH2leKgv1/DEsK9B8z8oJ39lSOIrLMbayzG8m9EuxRlc aqPaTuViZqassjAgGdaaZdGZfqpL78/lqB532mLbZfo8sLwPdYJYzCeGcRlFAAUR tDtUaG9tYXMgSy4gTWFydGluIChwdWJsaXNoZWQga2V5KSA8NzIyMjMuMzY0QGNv bXB1c2VydmUuY29tPg== =hJdA -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Saylor, Robert W.
Transportation Engineer
[ USA ][ Texas ][ Tarrant ][ Arlington ]
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQCPAzIGWGEAAAEEDA1ypqOEUwgTw47+9wVnuFu1AK+SwGN6IB4NiFJZ3qJKjBlZ qUu6EgP0KosWgG/AkCmpuqLcsV/Lbiq/gGdNmN7e80MTQfhrnO17V4EJHwAOeevO fobeJpz1d6ChXEDhYx2qXzNrGvytf8b2rnXb6EF5WHu07bLV23tKJLe4VKx57AUA BRG0LVIuIFNheWxvciAocHVibGlzaGVkIGtleSkgPHNheWxvcnJAZmxhc2gubmV0 PokAlQMFEDIHKRWCWMwnhnEZRQEBK/cD/1wTdC0wAc+aZj/voKM2Tj+gGvC8V996 RU4uIjccaLKlyK0r2NONrzGxVLGtSbutumtVCwjCPbv6zmKDqNiRlX7IM0pwF+Gh 1u1FAHHl/ESqzLPo9/P/5Y3UdEGts0WP9cLXYUgscYJBLR0c/K/ppYgARrvcCs3v nEwdP0sZgKXt =z2EE -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
The First Ammendment of the Constitution of the United States guarantees the right of freedom of speech to all American citizens.  This right, more than any other, is the cornerstone of American freedom.
This cornerstone is under attack.  The passage of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) would restrict what subjects American's are allowed to discuss online.  Exactly what topics are banned is not important.  What IS important is that the government is attempting to tell its citizens "you can't discuss this" or "you can't talk about that."  This act applies to newsgroups (where open discussion is essential) and private E-Mail (which should BE private and not subject to government regulation).
The CDA is not necessary to prosecute those who use the Internet or other online services for the dissemination of illegal materials.  Existing laws provide that capability.  The ONLY purpose of the CDA is to tell YOU what you can or cannot discuss freely -- to remove your right to Freedom of Speech.
The CDA is worded vaguely enough that someone could report the stated views of a fringe political group as "objectionable" and the government would then have the authority to prosecute those individuals solely for stating their political views in a public forum.  This is the greatest overt risk to American freedom today!
Fortunately, the CDA has been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.  However, new legislation is being introduced in an attempt to bypass the court's decision. Follow the blue ribbon to the left above to find out more about the Blue Ribbon Campaign and how to help protect your Freedom of Speech!
Although the CDA has been declared unconstitutional, another incursion into American privacy has been upheld by the courts.  The government, although forbidden from tapping into your private telephone conversations, has been given the right to intercept and read any E-Mail it desires without a warrant to do so.  Any E-Mail, from anyone, to anyone can be intercepted at the whim of any government agency that so desires.
Private mail should BE private mail.  America should not be a society where one must wonder who is watching over their shoulder when they speak or correspond with their friends.  Such societies are not pleasant places to live.
Although the courts have granted the Federal government the right to take away your privacy, you CAN take it back.  Just as you place your letters and private correspondence in envelopes to protect your privacy, you can package your E-Mail and other electronic communications to prevent unwanted intrusions into your life by encrypting or encoding your E-Mail.  This prevents anyone, whether it be the government or the criminal elements of our society, from gaining access to your private information.
Some might imply that only those with something to hide would take such precautions.  They are correct -- we all have things to hide.  We hide our credit card numbers, our checking account information, our travel plans and so on.  We hide things that are personally confidential such as love letters, diaries and bad poetry.  For our own sense of personal security, it is vital that we hide these things.  To have no right to privacy is to live in fear.
One of the more popular encryption technologies available to the public is the PGP personal encryption package.  This package offers encryption technology of a level that was previously unavailable to the public.  Follow one of the links below to obtain your own copy of PGP software. Follow the golden key to the right above to learn more about the Golden Key Campaign to allow Americans to protect their privacy from prying eyes.
Get PGP (U.S. Residents) | Get PGP (non U.S. Residents) |
Home Page | About the Author | Upcoming Events | Other Sites | |
The Book Club | Subscribe to Thomas K. Martin's personal mailing list! | Newsgroup |